Disha Guidance and Consultation

How to Deal Cyberbullying and Online Harassment among School Children

With the rise of digital platforms and increased internet access, cyberbullying and online harassment have become prevalent issues affecting school children worldwide. These forms of aggression can have severe emotional, psychological, and academic consequences for the victims. It is crucial for parents, educators, and communities to come together and take proactive measures to control and prevent cyberbullying. This article provides practical strategies and guidance on how to tackle this problem effectively.

  1. Establish open lines of communication:

Encourage children to openly discuss their online experiences with trusted adults. Create an atmosphere of trust, where they feel comfortable sharing any incidents of cyberbullying or online harassment they may encounter. Assure them that they will be supported and that their concerns will be taken seriously.

  • Educate about responsible internet use:

Teach children about responsible online behavior, emphasizing the importance of treating others with respect and empathy. Explain the consequences of cyberbullying and the long-lasting impact it can have on both the victim and the perpetrator. Instill values of digital citizenship, emphasizing that the same ethical standards apply online as they do offline.

  • Set clear guidelines and boundaries:

Establish rules and guidelines for internet and social media usage at home and in school. Set limits on screen time and encourage children to use privacy settings to control their online presence. Teach them to think critically before sharing personal information or engaging in online interactions with unknown individuals.

  • Foster empathy and kindness:

Promote empathy and kindness both online and offline. Encourage children to stand up against cyberbullying by being supportive bystanders and reporting any incidents they witness. Teach them the importance of thinking before posting or commenting and the impact their words can have on others.

  • Teach digital self-defense:

Educate children about online privacy and security measures. Teach them about the importance of strong, unique passwords and the risks associated with sharing personal information. Encourage them to think twice before clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files.

  • Monitor online activity:

Monitor your child’s online activity and maintain open lines of communication regarding their online experiences. Be aware of the platforms they use and the friends they interact with. Familiarize yourself with privacy settings and parental control tools available on social media platforms and devices.

  • Collaborate with schools and communities:

Work closely with schools and community organizations to address cyberbullying and online harassment effectively. Encourage schools to incorporate digital literacy and cyberbullying prevention programs into their curriculum. Organize workshops and seminars for parents, educators, and students to raise awareness and provide guidance on combating this issue.

  • Encourage a culture of reporting:

Emphasize the importance of reporting cyberbullying incidents to the appropriate authorities, such as school administrators or online platform moderators. Encourage children to keep evidence of cyberbullying, such as screenshots or messages, to support investigations and disciplinary actions.

  • Seek professional help when needed:

If a child becomes a victim of cyberbullying or online harassment, it is essential to provide emotional support and seek professional help if necessary. School counselors, psychologists, or therapists can assist in addressing the emotional impact and developing coping mechanisms.


Addressing cyberbullying and online harassment among school children requires a collaborative effort from parents, educators, and communities. By establishing open lines of communication, educating about responsible internet use, fostering empathy, and implementing preventive measures, we can create a safer online environment for our children. Together, we can empower them to navigate the digital world with resilience, kindness, and respect.

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Disha Guidance and Counseling

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